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Oxford Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS20 9DA


Headteacher - Mrs Fiona Wharton

Guiseley Primary School

Physical Education

Our Curriculum   

At Guiseley Primary School, we recognise the role that physical education (P.E.) has to play in promoting a long term healthy and active lifestyle. We aim to provide a high-quality P.E. curriculum that inspires all our pupils to succeed regardless of their starting points or their prior experiences of sport and physical activity. Because of this, our physical education offer aims to develop pupils’ physical competence and confidence as well as to enhance their health and well-being. 

In addition, we aim to provide opportunities for children to participate and compete in physical activities to build resilience and embed values such as team work, fairness, inclusivity and respect. These values link to our school RAINBOW code, which lies at the heart of our school.  

We recognise that participation in physical activity and sport can help to improve a huge range of social skills, and allows children to become critical thinkers and self-managers. For these reasons, we encourage attendance at festivals, competitions, extracurricular clubs, sports camps/trials and our annual Year 6 residential as well as taking part in the daily structured activities, which run during lunchtimes.  

Being part of the local community is important to us and we have good links with local clubs such as Guiseley Community Foundation.  

For three consecutive years, we are proud to have maintained our Gold Sports Mark Standard and are working towards gaining Platinum Status in 2024.  


Mr Ljustina, Miss Adair and Mrs Clarke are the P.E leaders in school.  

What our pupils say about P.E. and sport at our school.......

Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

Please click the link below to find out more information about our physical education offer.

PE - Intent, Implementation and Impact statement

Curriculum Content Map

To find out about what is taught in each year group through school, please look at our curriculum content map.

PE - Curriculum Content Map


P.E. policy

To view our P.E. policy, please click the link below.

PE Policy 

Child Friendly Policy