Welcome to Nursery Autumn 1 2024
We are so proud how well the children have all settled into Nursery. We are helping the children understand our rules and routines, especially tidying and and sharing. The children are having had lots of fun exploring our way around school to the hall and library.
Our focus this half term is all about colours. We will be looking at the books the Colour Monster, Elmer and What Can you see Brown Bear? We are then looking at our families, reading books such as Owl babies and exploring how important family is.
Take a look at all the exciting learning we did in 2023/24!
Summer 2
Spring 2
Wow, what a busy half term we have had! We can not believe that we are about to enter the Summer term already!
Over the past 6 weeks there has been a lot of exciting learning ……
We started our term looking at Pancakes to celebrate Pancake Day. The children had the opportunity to make pancakes and taste them. This was an exciting and enjoyable experience. The children had the opportunity to measure out the ingredients needed, mix it altogether, and then choose their favourite topping to spread on top. They learnt that this was the start of lent for Christians, and that some Christians 'give things up' for lent.
We then moved on to the story of the tiger that came to tea. During this story, the children had the opportunity to think about and discuss ‘feelings’ that the characters might be experiencing. We discussed what we could do if this happened to us, and the children had some great ideas about visiting local food places in Guiseley. McDonald's was a firm favourite!
We spent two weeks looking at Dinosaurs, we read several dinosaur books that were both fiction and non-fiction. The children had the opportunity to find out facts about dinosaurs by using ‘Google’ with adult support. We also went on a dinosaur hunt around school, where we found a dinosaur egg! This was very exciting, and captured the imagination of all our children. The children had to guess what was inside, and spent several days caring for the egg before a baby dinosaur hatched out!
During the last two weeks of our Spring term, we looked at Spring. We talked about signs of ‘spring’ and went on a ‘spring walk’. The children noticed that there was more sunshine, flowers growing and leaves appearing on trees. We talked about baby animals being born, and looked at the life-cycle of a chick. The children also made an Easter card, looking at the skill of spreading glue to stick feathers and eyes on their chick.
In Maths, we have looked at the composition of number 5, height and length and mass and capacity.
The children have had the opportunity to use our areas of provision to enhance their learning with these topics and number work. We have compared the length of plastic worms, working out which one is the longest and shortest. We have weighed various items with balancing scales, working out what happens to each side when something is ‘light’ and ‘heavy’. We have also made potions in the water tray, pouring it into different containers and discussing what is full, nearly full, nearly empty and empty.
The sun has started to make an appearance, so we have taken advantage of getting outside to plant and dig!
We hope you all have a wonderful Easter with family and friends.
Thank you for your continued support, see you soon, The Nursery Team!
Spring 1
It has been lovely to welcome some new children to Nursery this term. All of the children have settled very well. We have enjoyed noticing how the seasons and weather are changing and we loved exploring snow!
In Communication and Language we have looked at nursery rhymes and action songs. Our favourites include: Farmers in the Den and Ring a Ring o’ Roses.
In Physical Development we have looked at fine motor skills, which involve the use of the smaller muscle of the hands. Activities have included: using pencils, scissors, construction with magnetic tiles and using large tweezers. We have also looked at gross motor skills, which are the skills that children develop using their whole body. Activities have included: balancing, climbing and jumping, and safely travelling using different apparatus.
In Personal, Social and Emotional Development we used the book ‘Clever-sticks’ to explore that we are all good at different things and that if we keep persevering we can get better. We have discussed our Nursery Rules and celebrated when children demonstrate kindness to others.
In Literacy this half term we have enjoyed finding out about the ‘Three Billy Goats Gruff’ in which the children explored creating bridges and testing if they were safe to walk across. We looked at the text ‘Whatever Next’ and found out facts about the moon and how people have visited it a long time ago. We loved investigating about the Arctic and Antarctic using a globe and looking at polar bears and penguins. The children loved experimenting with ice and listening to facts in non-fiction books about the animals. They have enjoyed colour mixing paint and creating snowflakes.
In Mathematics we have looked at sorting, recognising, counting and making sets of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4. We have enjoyed going on 2D shape hunts looking for triangles, squares and rectangles and counting the number of sides these shapes have.
In the final week the children explored Chinese New Year, we looked at where China is and how the festival is celebrated. The children made a huge dragon using recycled boxes and had lots of fun decorating it. We explored Chinese food and the children enjoyed being creative in the play-dough and messy area to serve food in our Chinese Restaurant.
Autumn 1 2023
It has been lovely to welcome some new children to Guiseley Primary School, and also welcome back those children who have previously been with us. All of the children have settled positively and are adapting well to Nursery life.
This half term we have spent some time focusing on some books that you can see in the photographs below. The children have enjoyed reading these, and they have made many links to all our 7 areas of learning and development for the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Below are some examples of the learning that took place....
In Communication and Language we have looked at nursery rhymes and number songs. Our favourite is five current buns!
In Physical Development we have looked at fine motor skills, which involve the use of the smaller muscles of the hands. Activities have included: using pencils, scissors, construction with Duplo and using large tweezers. We have also looked at gross motor skills, which are the skills that children develop using their whole body. Activities have included: using the pedal bikes outside, climbing and jumping, and our weekly visits to the school hall.
In Personal, Social and Emotional Development, we used the book So Much to talk about our families and who is important to us. We spoke about how we are all different.
In Literacy we have used the book Owl Babies to look at our feelings and discuss new vocabulary such as hunting and nocturnal. We have retold the story using small world resources.
In Mathematics we have looked at colour sorting and patterns. In the story My Mum and Dad make me laugh we focused on spots and stripes. We have listened to the story Elmer to help sort objects using different colours.
Finally, we are looking at the season Autumn. We have discussed what happens, looked at leaves, animals that hibernate and collected Autumn treasures. We have listened to the story The Helpful Hedgehog.
To view previous year's information and pictures, please click here.