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Oxford Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS20 9DA


Headteacher - Mrs Fiona Wharton

Guiseley Primary School

Year 5 - Jade Class and Lime Class

Year 5 Welcome Booklets

Jade class brochure

Lime class brochure 

Curriculum overview

Year 5 curriculum overview

Autumn term 2024 - WELCOME TO YEAR 5!

We have had a great start to the year and the children seem to be settling well into Year 5 routines. We have lots to look forward to this year including art week (coming up!) and a residential which we hope everyone comes on! We will share pictures (with permission) on here every half term so remember to come back every so often. 

Mr Kernohan, Miss Adair and Mrs Balla

Take a look  at all of the exciting learning that took place in Year 5 in 2023/24!

Summer 2

Year 5 have learned a lot this term! In science, they have dissected flowers to find out about asexual reproduction. They have also learned about seed dispersal which involved some very imaginative role play. They also went on a lichen hunt to identify and classify different types in order to practise how to present results. 

In art, they enjoyed making clay pots inspired by nature around them and the artist Marissa Thompson. For this they learned the pinching and coiling methods and also inscribed patterns. They also made a fantastic protest installation about marine conservation for the Aireborough Learning Trust Art Exhibition. 

In PE, we have been practising our orienteering skills - orientating/setting their map and learning how to thumb the map and pinpoint the quickest routes to take. 

In English the children produced some absolutely fantastic reports based on a desert animal of their choice. The way many of them presented their reports was so creative. This week they are writing a balanced argument about whether they think children under 16 should have mobile phones. They have come up with some arguments for and against. Some of the children are very passionate about this, but what shone through was their strong awareness of the safety implications. We continue to talk to the children about different aspects of safety as they start to gain a little bit of independence. We wish you all a fantastic and safe holiday. We will miss this lovely cohort of children and wish them the best of luck as they move on to Year 6. Do go and look at the Year 6 blog to see what they have in store next year!

Summer 1 

The children continued to work so hard this term. In DT, they made doodlers using electric circuits; in history they learned about the the Great Plague of 1665-1666 and benefited from some outdoor and more active lessons, taught by some students from Leeds Trinity University, who were researching how to help children get their step count up during learning. The children really enjoyed these lessons. In Science they have been learning about life-cycles and watching some tadpoles from the pond in the quad grow at the back of the classrooms. This culminated in them making group presentations comparing life-cycles of different classes of animals. In English, the children have been writing diary entries and in maths have moved on to statistics where they have been interpreting and presenting data in line graphs. 

The highlight of the term however was the RESIDENTIAL! It was so lovely to spend time with the children outside of school; they represented Guiseley Primary School so well with their amazing behaviour and had a fantastic time. 

Spring Term

It has been another busy term in Year 5 at Guiseley Primary School! The children have really enjoyed their learning and they have been getting stuck into lots of different things! In DT, the children created fantastic interactive story books suitable for Year 1 children which had moving parts! In Science, they investigated the properties of different materials, carrying out experiments to test their permeability, solubility and magnetism. In Art, the children studied the Carribbean island artist Anna Greenidge and explored different pastel techniques to create beautiful Caribbean sunset scenes.

A real highlight of the term was a visit from Sharmen Frith (also known as Mama Shar) who brought the children some amazing Caribbean food to try including fried plantain, chicken, rice and peas. She told the children all about the Caribbean island she grew up on – Montserrat. As well as talking about life on the island, she told the children all about the history of the island, the reason they celebrate St Patrick’s day on 17th March and what happened when the volcano erupted on the island in 1997.

The children have worked tremendously hard throughout this term and should be really proud of all their hard work.

Autumn Term 

 The children have really enjoyed their first half term in Year 5! They have been learning about the Mayans and writing adventure stories in English as well as looking at number and the 4 operations in maths. 

In DT, the children have been learning about healthy eating and how to adapt meals to make them healthier. They learnt about the nutritional value of meals and practised their grating and chopping skills. Their favourite part was getting to taste their meals, of course! 

We had a wonderful Art Week in Year 5 and we really enjoyed showing our work to parents at the Fantastic Finish event. As you can see from the pictures below, the children worked really hard practising different painting techniques and pattern designs. We compared the styles of two artists - Dan Fenelon and Sam Cox - and then used Dan's animal creations to develop our own art pieces using complimentary colours. The artwork the children produced was brilliant and they had lots of fun!

In Science, the children have been studying about the Earth and space. They have really enjoyed the practical experiments, investigating how the rotation of the Earth causes night and day as well as the orbit of the Moon and other planets in the solar system. 

To view previous year's information and pictures, please click here.