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Oxford Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS20 9DA


Headteacher - Mrs Fiona Wharton

Guiseley Primary School

Whole School Events

Fun Day

We celebrated in school today with a fantastic circus themed day fun day. The younger children took part in workshops and the older children were treated to a circus performance and were able to practise circus tricks during lunchtime. The children also had the opportunity to take part in activities throughout the day such as stilt walking, beam balancing, face painting and treasure hunts. 

Thank you to Vegetable Stu from KeyStage Circus for such a fun-filled day and for all the staff who organised activities for the children to enjoy. 

What a fantastic day!!

Mrs Beaumont, who is retiring at the end of this year, even joined in one of the circus tricks. Very brave!

Well done Mrs Beaumont.  

KeyStage circus:

Congratulations to GREEN class

Well done to Green class, who were presented a cheque for £500 this week by Fusion for growing the tallest sunflower. Many schools took part across Leeds so this is a super achievement! Green class sound like they have green fingers and are budding gardeners - well done!!


Lotherton Wildlife World Naming Competition

We are so proud to announce that Jade class have won the competition run by Lotherton Wildlife World to name the baby capybara.  Lotherton have reported that 'Doba' is loving life at the zoo, splashing around in the water and nibbling on fresh veggies!

Watch the video by searching for Lotherton Hall Doba naming and you should find it at the top of the search page!

Year 5 Visit Day to Guiseley School - written by children in Jade class

The visit day at Guiseley High School was really fun and all the high school teachers were incredibly kind to us. The theme of the day was 'Space' so all of the different sessions included activities along this theme.

Some of us took part in a science lesson where they filtered some red dust liquid (which represented Martian ice). We then added some universal solution which showed the acidity of the liquid. Drop by drop we then added an alkali to neutralise the liquid. We loved using the secondary school science lab equipment. 

Another activity was DT where we had to have a piece of paper to make a bookmark. We used special wax crayons to decorate and then it was put into a heat machine which caused the paper to turn into a fabric-like material. 

In the art sessions, we drew pictures of the launch, journey and landing on a planet of our choice. There were plenty of original ideas and we even had time to add a story to their pictures. 

For the drama, we got assigned a scene to do with a journey to Mars, for example the landing. There were lots of budding astronauts, aliens and planets under siege!!! It was great fun!

It was a fantastic day and we also got the opportunity to work with children from other schools. 

Ilkley Tennis Trophy Event

Year 4 had a brilliant day at Ilkley tennis club this week. They enjoyed a tennis workshop which involved a rotation of activities that helped them to improve their rallying and serving as well as trying to get their tennis balls to hit targets on inflatables. Following this, they had a fantastic opportunity to sit front row during a professional tennis match. It was like a mini-Wimbledon!!

Members of the local community complimented our children on their behaviour, and we were incredibly proud of their conduct, team work and positive attitudes! Well done children!

Orienteering at Nunroyd Park

The orienteering event at Nunroyd Park was fun and challenging with year groups working in relay teams to race to 'dib' all the points. The children acted as great ambassadors for our school - they behaved impeccably and showed off their amazing map reading skills and fitness. Well done everyone and thank you to Mrs Salmon, Mrs Wilkin, Mrs Owen and Mr Child for taking both teams!

Develop and Play Netball Event at Guiseley School

This week has seen lots of sporting events across school and today a group of year 5 children walked to Guiseley High for a netball event. The event started with some skill development before the children played in games. They were amazing on the netball court playing with and against the other local schools. The children are now excellent markers, interceptors and team players. They showed so much determination and most importantly had lots of fun. 

The children represented school brilliantly and we were so proud of them. 

A BIG thank you to Mrs Balla and Mrs Sharpe for taking the team. 

Brownlee Triathlon

This week, 42 children from Years 5 and 6, took part in a come and try a triathlon event at John Smeaton Leisure Centre. This event is difficult to book due to its' popularity across schools in Leeds but we were lucky this year to bag a place!

The children had a great time! They started off with a u-shaped lap swim in the swimming pool followed by an 800m bike or scooter ride across the grass. They finished the 3-part event with a 300m run. 

The children received a free t-shirt for taking part and as they crossed the finish line they also received a bag of goodies. 

We will definitely be looking out for this event in 2025 - it's a great introductory event to triathlon. 

Y5/6 Girls Football Tournament

This week, a group of eight girls took part in a very competitive football tournament at Yeadon Westfield Primary School. The event was organised by Guiseley Community Foundation and lots of the local Aireborough schools took part.

Our team, played excellently in the group stage games drawing two of their games and losing one by just one goal. We were incredibly proud of the fantastic teamwork, effective communication  and resilience our players showed.

We were overjoyed to make the quarter finals where we played really well and held off the opposition for a long time and created some excellent chances of our own. One of our players scored a super goal from the halfway line to make the final score 1-2. 

Unfortunately, we lost our quarter final match  meaning the end of the tournament for us however the team showed great sportsmanship by shaking the winning teams hands and giving them three cheers after the game. 

A SUPER team effort - well done TEAM GUISELEY!

Celebrating the end of SATS week!!

We are so proud of the children in Year 6 for trying their best in their SATS. To celebrate the end of the week, they spent some time playing with their reception buddies. Mrs Turner was not sure who enjoyed it most.... the reception children, Year 6 or the teachers!!!

Year 6 teach to Year 5 classes
As part of their busy revision period, Year 6 delivered a maths lesson to Year 5 this week. Each team  chose a SAT question to teach to a small group of Year 5 children, breaking it down into small steps. Not only did the Year 6 children do a brilliant job at supporting the Year 5 children, the Year 5 children had a fantastic time learning from their peers! Well done everyone!
"It was really fun. There was a really hard challenge but I managed to get it right in the end!" (Child in Year 5)

Scooter Training

This week, children in reception, Year 1 and Year 5 took part in some scooter training. This was classroom and playground based for the younger children but included some off site training for the older children.

The course is designed to improve children's road safety and scooter skills and there were many confident and proficient scooters across school!

The children had a great time scooting in the sunshine. This term, with the weather (hopefully) improving, would be a great time to practise scooter skills and road safety with your child walking or scooting to and from school. 

Come and Try Rugby event at Yarnbury Rugby Club

A group of Year 3 and 4 children, who were new to competition, had a fantastic afternoon at Yarnbury at the 'come and try tag rugby' event. They had coaching from Leeds Beckett students and then participated in a mini tournament with other schools in the area. They were all great team players and enjoyed practising new skills. Well done children! 

Thank you to Miss Clark and Mrs Steppenbeck who took the group out of school to the event!

Guiseley Primary Orienteering Course

Earlier this year, we had a permanent orienteering course installed which was suitable for key stage 2 children and this week our course for the younger children was completed. The government physical activity guidelines include all children and young people engaging in moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity for at least 60 minutes and up to several hours every day. There are many benefits to regular physical activity including those on the poster below:


It has been great to see some of the older children using the course to help them learn whilst being active. Year 6 have been busy solving maths and grammar questions helping them with revision for their upcoming SATS week and Year 4 had fun this week using the numbers on the post to divide by 10 and 100.

Next half term, each year group will use the course during one of their PE slots and next academic year across other curriculum areas such as science. 

Come and Try Netball Event at St Mary's High School in Menston

This week, a group of Year 3 children took part in a 'come and try' netball event at St Mary's High School. This event was suited to children who were new to netball and competition. They took part in lots of fun skills-based activities before playing some games of netball. 

The children listened brilliantly to the young leaders who helped them with their throwing and catching skills. They all worked fantastically as a team and represented Guiseley Primary School extremely well.  Well done to all of the children!

A BIG thank you to Mrs Clarke and Mrs Wilkin for giving up their own time to support the team and thank you to all of the parents and carers who helped with transport and showed support from the sides of the court!

We have another come and try event next week.... this time it is rugby!! 

Guiseley's Got Talent 2024

This week there has been a real exciting buzz around school as the children and adults have been gearing up to the Guiseley's Got Talent final this afternoon. What a fantastic final it was with such talented, confident and brave children. There was singing, drumming, dancing, roller skating, piano, flute and guitar playing as well as some hilarious comedy.

It was a wonderful way to end the Spring Term and the children were all winners in our opinion!

Well done to everyone who took part in the auditions and the final - we are really proud of each and every one of you.

We hope you have a lovely Easter break and come back to school rested and well.

Y5/6 Tag Rugby @ West Park

This week, a group of Year 6 children took part in a Tag Rugby competition at West Park RUFC. It was a competitive event and the children played 4 games in total against schools across the north of Leeds. 

The games were exciting to watch and our team grew in confidence with each game they played. The team work, sportsmanship and positive attitude was observed and commented on by other schools and we were really proud of them all.

By game 4, they had their own game plan and we managed a 3-1 win with some excellent tries!! We even managed a 1-1 draw against the overall winners which is an AMAZING achievement.

Well done Team Guiseley!

Y6 Basketball Transition Event

A group of 12 Year 6 children went to Guiseley High this week to take part in some basketball activities to aid transition between primary and secondary school. The children thoroughly enjoyed this activity and would recommend it to others.

It was a valuable event for the Year 6 children as they were encouraged to pair up with children from other schools. This helped them to push themselves outside of their com fort zone an important skill for meeting new people in September!

Report written by one of the Year 6 children:

On Tuesday 5th March a select few students took part in a basketball event at Guiseely High. Three other local primary schools took part in this occasion kindly organised by the City of Leeds basketball club. At the end, the children got split into teams and competed against each other. A couple of children then got a prize of a basketball jersey and some free sessions with the training facility.

Netball League

This week, seven children from Years 5 and 6 took part in the first of two netball tournaments this half term at Guiseley school. This is the first time we have entered the Leeds netball league and it was a very competitive event involving lots of experienced and skilled netballers from Horsforth, Otley and Armley.

The first game against Froebelian school saw our team go 1 nil up in the first quarter. The game was tight at 2-2 with nothing much between the two teams until the final quarter when Froebelian scored 2 more goals in quick succession resulting in a 2-4 win to them. This did not deter our fantastic team who went on to win their next two games against Armley Park 6-1 and Otley Westgate 2-0. The team showed great skill passing the ball accurately, communicating positively and working together to move up the court towards the goal area. 

The games were hi-5 netball games,  which meant the children played 4 quarters in each game and after each quarter they rotated positions. This meant the children had to quickly adjust to their new positions and make sure they started the game in the correct place and changed their marking accordingly. 

The children were amazing at shooting; they showed no signs of tiring as they ran all over the court and were relentless in defence, tracking back when the opposition gained possession and intercepting passes mid-air. 

A HUGE thank you to Mrs Clarke for running pre-league training sessions with the children and for giving up her time to take the team to the event. 

The next event is in a couple of weeks at Prince Henry's Grammar School in Otley..... watch this space for another update soon!

West Yorkshire Cross Country Final

Five children took part in a very muddy cross country competition at Temple Newsam this week. They had managed to qualify for this event way back in the Autumn term at an equally muddy event at Wharefemeadows Park in Otley! 

This was an extremely competitive event with some of the best runners across West Yorkshire, including Leeds, Kirklees, Bradford, Wakefield and Calderdale districts. 

We had a Year 4 boy running first and he was not phased by the big crowd of runners and spectators. He flew round the course and had enough power in his legs for a fast finish too. An excellent effort - well done! 

Our Year 6 girls team were the second-to-last race and therefore the course was well-used, churned up and ultra slippy! This did not bother our experienced runners and they all ran a great race sprinting over the finish line despite the long undulating course. Their support for each other including a cheer-leading routine for the Year 4 boy's race showed their amazing team spirit and superb sportsmanship. Well done girls!

A HUGE thanks to the parents for helping with transport and encouraging the team on from around the course!

NEWSFLASH - we are so proud to share that our Year 6 girls' team finished in 3rd place in the team event out of 18 teams across West Yorkshire!! What an amazing achievement!

Children's Mental Health Week 2024

Children's Mental Health Week took place from 5th to 11th February 2024, with the theme of My Voice Matters.

During Children’s Mental Health Week (and at all other times), we want all children in school to be able to say – and believe - “My Voice Matters” and this was our focus in assemblies and lessons through the week. 

During the week, some of the younger children have played a whispering game, passing a sentence around a circle by whispering the sentence into someone’s ear. In Red class, the sentence started off as ‘I am fantastic’ and end up with ‘sticky toffee pudding’ - we didn’t know what had happened, but thought that we should be looking at the person when we speak to them and say the words clearly. We are going to have another go at this game!

The children talked about things that are important to them and discussed their favourite and least favourite things. They had a big discussion on different food, recognising that the foods that some of us are not keen on, might be someone else’s favourites. 

The children talked about things that they are proud of and how being proud makes them feel. They said that it makes them want to celebrate, tell other people what they have done, smile and puff out their chests!

In Year 4, they had two visits from the MindMate team in their PSHE lessons this half term. The first session focused on understanding emotions and zones of regulation. The children spoke articulately about a range of emotions and shared strategies they used to support them. They learnt about how the brain works when under stress and how we might ‘fight, flight or freeze’ and how we can support ourselves instead of ‘flipping the lid.’ The second session focused on worries, how they are normal and how we can overcome them. We discussed the ‘circle of control’ and how we can’t worry about things outside of our control. This led nicely into our Children’s Mental Health week focus where the children shared who they talk to when they are feeling worried and some brave children shared what worries them. It was a lovely, open and respectful discussion to have and the children listened to each other really well.

The older children also had a visit from the local PCSO where they talked about the importance of keeping themselves safe and how looking after their physical health is as important as looking after their mental health. 

Judo taster

Some children took part in a Judo taster this week at the Methodist Church Hall in Horsforth.  This was a fun event aimed at introducing children to Judo and signposting to local club; Hajime Judi Club. 

The children had lots of fun learning the Japanese words to start and stop the activities that they were doing, they played some warm up games and then took part in learning lots of different Judo moves which included grappling and throwing techniques.  Other local schools joined too and the children had lots of fun in pairs learning new techniques.
A BIG thanks to the children who attended, their parents for arranging transport to and from the event and to Mrs Owen who looked after the children during the session!
If your child is interested in trying or taking up Judo, please visit: 

Y3 Multi Skills Festival

This week, a group of Year 3 children went to a multi-skills event at Guiseley School. This was a come and try event and organised to introduce children to different sports and activities with an emphasis on teamwork and fun!

It was a great event and the children took part in lots of different activities including beach volleyball, Boccia (similar to boules), dodgeball, parachute games and target throw. 

They worked together brilliantly showing wonderful team spirit, kindness and determination! They were awarded different stickers for showing respect, teamwork, self belief, courage and honesty linking nicely to our theme in school this week around our RAINBOW code and values. 

Well done everyone! A BIG thank you to Miss Turnell and Mrs Hewitt who supported the team and enabled the trip to take place!

Y4 Benchball Competition

This week, a group of Year 4 children took part in a benchball competition at Guiseley School. The team participated in 6 matches in total, playing against all of the local schools in the Aireborough cluster. 

Team Guiseley played brilliantly together  and showed excellent sportsmanship. Their communication was effective and positive and as a result they won 5 out of their 6 games.

The children showed excellent understanding of space and managed to always get away from the opposing team's defence. They made some great interceptions, were strong in attack and relentless in defence. They were focused and always ready to get a point for the team by leaping on to our team bench!

This OUTSTANDING teamwork meant we came SECOND overall, which is an amazing achievement!

Some of our children were also awarded wristbands for honesty, determination, teamwork and respect. 

A HUGE thanks to Mrs Newsome, Mrs Wilkin and Miss Adair for taking the team, Mrs Clarke for training the children at lunchtimes and to the parents and family members who supported the team from the sidelines.

Well done to Rawdon St Peter's who pipped us to first place by 1 point!! 

Sports Hall Athletics Success!!

We are delighted to announce that our Year 6 team of athletes, who took part in the Sportshall Athletics competition this week, have qualified for the Cup Final after being the winning team overall!! What an amazing achievement!

Well done to all of the athletes for taking part with such determination, courage and positivity. Your teamwork was amazing and it was wonderful to hear you all cheering on your team mates from the sides!

A HUGE thank you to all of the parents who helped transport the team to and from the event and for their encouragement and support. We will now be busy having some training sessions at lunchtime to prepare for the final. 

Festive doors

All over school, the staff and children have been busy decorating their doors to get into the festive spirit!! Take a look at some of the brilliant finished doors below. Which is your favourite?!

Christmas Fair

Our annual Christmas Fair was a huge success. It was lovely to see so many children, families and friends enjoying
themselves and going home with prizes, decorations and much more. Thank you to everyone who supported the event making it a great occasion. We will be announcing the winners of the prize draw, games and Bake Off and letting you know how much money we raised early next week. 

WATCH this space for exciting updates about the winners!



Winter Voices
Eight children from Guiseley Primary School were invited to join a choir comprised of children from primary schools across Leeds. The children were so dedicated and enthusiastic, giving up play times to rehearse and travelling to another local school for a bigger rehearsal. Their big performance, watched by families across Leeds, was at Pudsey Civic Hall where they met up with the full choir for the first time and put the different voice parts together. The show featured the Leeds Youth Jazz Rock Orchestra who really inspired us, as well as secondary school choirs from Guiseley School and Allerton Grange.  
The primaries choir performed four songs including 'We Need a Little Christmas' and 'Somewhere Only we Know' as well as teaming up with the secondary choirs for others such as 'It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year' and 'Let it Snow'. There were a lot of words and parts to learn and our children all did a fantastic job. It was a great experience for them to sing in and watch a live music event with a live band and we hope to have the opportunity to take other children to events like this in the future. 

Saturday Cross Country in Otley

A HUGE thank you and well done to all 16 runners who represented TEAM Guiseley in the 3rd event of the Saturday Cross Country League. We had runners in every category and it was lovely to see some new faces taking part in their first race!

The next race is at GSAL and will be during the afternoon of Saturday 9th December.  We hope to see even more runner taking part in the last race before Christmas!


Orienteering Champions!

Last weekend, a group of 6 Guiseley Primary School children took part in the British Schools Orienteering Championships at Temple Newsam and had a wonderful time!

They all did incredibly well and had some fantastic individual results:

AC:  1st Year 6 girl in a time of 14:12
CA: 1st Year 6 boy in a time of 13:17
KR: 3rd Year 6 boy in a time of 14:47
GR: 13th Year 6 boy in a time of 26:04
SC: 3rd Year 5 boy in a time of 17:29. This result was particularly impressive as Seb is only in Year 3 but the youngest category was Year 5!!
AA: completed the course in a commendable time of 27:04
As well as achieving great individual results, the children did brilliantly as a team:
Year 5 boys: 1st team (3 to count: CA, KR & GR)
Overall primary school: 1st (4 to count: AC, CA, KR & SC - all in the top 3!)
The team came home with medals and 2 big trophies which they were presented in Monday's assembly by Mrs Wharton. 
A HUGE thank you to the parents who organised and supported at the event and a BIG well done to all of the children who took part. An AMAZING achievement!

Children in Need

This week, our school council representatives met and created some posters to advertise the upcoming Children In Need day next Thursday. If you would like to make a donation, please check instructions on Parent Pay. Your child will be able to wear non-uniform this day and our theme is Spotacular so we are encouraging children to wear yellow, spots and/or dots!


Theme for the Week - RESILIENCE

We were delighted to welcome Hannah and Amy, from MindMate Support Team, into school on Monday morning and introduce them to the children. They are mental health practitioners who will be working with our school over the year on prioritising mental health awareness and support for everyone.
They talked to the children about resilience and how to cope in challenging situations. The children were able to share many ideas about ways to keep calm and keep on going even when faced with difficult situations. Having a growth mindset, believing in yourself and not worrying if you can’t do something ‘YET’, is so important.


North West School Cross Country Event at Wharfemeadows 
The Key Stage 2 cross country event at Wharfmeadows playing fields  went brilliantly. Anyone who came to the event last year may remember the hail stones and torrential rain so this year, we felt very lucky to have a dry afternoon!
The children showed great resilience (our theme for the week in school) in making it round the cross country course without stopping showing wonderful strength and perseverance. The cheering on the sides from the rest of the team showed how great our teamwork at Gusieley Primary is. A HUGE thanks to our parent volunteers too who helped look after the team!
News flash..... Our Y4 and Y6 girls teams along with 2 x boys from the Y3 team, 2 x  boys from the Y4 team and 1 x girl from the Y5 team have qualified for the Leeds Final at Temple Newsam on Thursday 1st February.
Don't forget if your child is in Y3, 4, 5 or 6 and would like to take part in the Saturday cross country events, the next race is on Saturday 11th November. Please contact the office for more details.

Cardinal Heenan Cross Country

The 2nd Saturday cross country event took place this weekend at Cardinal Heenan High School. It was an extremely busy event with over 200 runners taking part in the primary races!

We had runners in each event and the children showed wonderful resilience and determination whilst tackling the undulating course.  It was a great day for spectators too being sunny and dry and we are hoping for similar weather for the remaining events....wishful thinking!

If your child is interested in future events and they are in Years 3, 4, 5 or 6, then please email the school office and ask for more details. There is no cap on the number of runners and it would be great to see more children taking part. 


Art Week 2023

There was a real buzz in school this week for Art Week and the children across school enjoyed lots of creative activities.  Art can be very therapeutic and calming and we have certainly seen that across the week as the children have been sketching, printing, painting and sculpting, in readiness for the Fantastic Finish event.

From local artist studies to art from around the world and even art connected with other areas of the curriculum, it was a fabulous display of talent and skill. If you were able to come to our Fantastic Finish, we hope you enjoyed seeing your child's artwork as part of the rich curriculum we offer.

In our assemblies this week, we have talked about how everyone has mental health and have raised awareness of the importance of talking to each other about how we are feeling. We marked world mental health day on Tuesday, by taking time to talk. 

All children across school have been asked to complete a special mental health awareness homework this week, to talk to each other about big and small feelings. The link below will help you get started:

Come and Try Netball Event at St Mary's High School

A group of Year 6 children took part in a 'come and try' netball event at St. Mary's High School on Thursday after school. The children's behaviour was exemplary and they represented the school brilliantly. Despite many of them being new to netball, they were very competitive in the two games they played working well as a team. 

Middleton Park Cross Country

Last Saturday was the first of the Saturday League Cross Country events which took place in Middleton Park close to John Charles Centre for Sport. It was a wonderful event and we had some new runners running for the first time in our GUISELEY vest!

WELL DONE everyone - a great start to the cross country league 2023 - 2024.

Next race is Saturday 14th October at Cardinal Heenan High School..... all children from Year 3 - Year 6 are welcome to run! Please contact the School Office for more details. 

Zones of Regulation

As part of our continued work around improving social and emotional support and understanding in school, we have launched Zones of Regulation across school. 

The children have been involved in creating a classroom display showing 4 colours: red, yellow, blue and green. These 4 colours represent different feelings, all of which we experience in life. Zones of regulation encourages and enables everyone to talk about how they feel on the inside and to appreciate that we all feel a range of emotions and no emotion is seen as 'bad'. 

This term, the children will be looking at ways of managing their emotions in a more positive and successful way by adding tools to their tool kit!

For more information, visit the Zones of Regulation website:

Check out some of our classroom displays below!