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Headteacher - Mrs Fiona Wharton

Guiseley Primary School

Whole School Events

Y5 and 6 Bench ball Competition

This week, a group of children from Years 5 and 6 took part in a competitive bench ball competition at Guiseley School. There were two other local primary schools taking part in the competition. Our team displayed brilliant team work and attack strategies throughout the event and really enjoyed the experience. Well done to Rufford Park, who won the competition.... we will be busy training for next year!!!

A HUGE thank you to Mr Kernohan and Mrs Armenian who took and supported the team! 

Y6 Basketball Transition event 

This week, a group of Year 6 children took part in a basketball event at St Mary's High School in Menston. The children participated in basketball drills with the City of Leeds basketball team and then progressed on to small sided basketball games. 

All of the children were credit to the school and were able to experience what it will be like to take part in PE at high school, hopefully helping them to prepare for next year when they move up to Year 7!

Final Race News from Saturday Cross Country league

Last Saturday, saw the final race of this season's cross country Saturday league. Thank you to all of the children and parents who made it all the way over to Middleton! The conditions were great and the children ran brilliantly! 

The 2025-2026 season will kick off again in October so look out for more information about this nearer the time. All children in Key Stage 2 are welcome to join in the fun!



Christmas Festivities
It has felt very Christmassy in school recently! Below is a photo of our Christmas Tree at St Oswald's church (our theme was Winter Wonderland, decided by our school council). along with a photo of a child with their Christmas photo for the charity Avsed. We support a charity every year by donating lots of Christmas pictures and cards, all made by our pupils, to the local residents. 
We have also enjoyed performances from every year group, a delicious Christmas dinner and of course our wonderful Christmas Fair. This week we are looking forward to Christmas Parties!


Dodgeball and Sports Hall Athletics

It was a busy sporting week in school this week. A group of Year 5 children took part in a dodgeball competition at Horsforth High School at the beginning of the week and the week ended with  a group of Year 6 children taking part in the Sports Hall Athletics event at Trinity University. 

The children who took part in the dodgeball worked brilliantly as a team and they all showed great resilience and honesty throughout the competition. It was a very busy and noisy environment with 3 simultaneous games being played at once and everyone needed to be on the ball, including the spectators! A BIG thank you to the parents and carers who organised transport to and from the event.Your support was really appreciated!

The Year 6 children have been practising the events for both track and field during their lunchtimes with Mrs Clarke, in preparation for the Sports Hall Athletics event. Mr Ward, who took the team along with Mrs Benson and Mrs Steppenbeck, were incredibly proud of the children's running, throwing and jumping. Their behaviour and positive attitude and teamwork was also fantastic. Thank you to the parents who came and watched the team. Unfortunately, we have not progressed to the next round, but we are incredibly proud of the children's achievements.  

Well done Team Guiseley!

Kindness Week

Last week, we celebrated Kindness Week in school and each class created a Kindness Tree. These have been displayed around school by our fantastic School Councillors! 

See the pictures below:

Y3 Cheer Dance Event

On Wednesday, a group of Year 3 children took part in a Cheer Dance event at Benton Park High School. The children had a wonderful time learning dance moves and routines. They were taught these by the Leeds Rhinos Foundation in partnership with Dazl Dance. 

A HUGE thank you to parents for transporting your children and for Mrs Balla and Mrs Sharpe who gave up their own time to support the team. Well done everyone!

Saturday League Cross Country

This weekend, the 2nd race in the Saturday League Cross Country took place at Cardinal Heenan. We had a record number of children take part in the first event a few weeks ago at Woodhouse Grove and another great turn out this weekend.

The children were brilliant at both events! Their resilience and strength to get round the course has been fantastic to see and it has been lovely to see familiar faces as well as new ones. The picture in the centre below highlights how our children work together and support one another. 

A HUGE thank you to all the parents who have been a massive support with getting the children ready and supervising them before and after races.

If your child is interested in taking part and is in Key Stage 2, please contact the school office for more information.  There are two more races left of the season!

Y2 Agility Event at Guiseley School 

Some children from Year 2 did a wonderful job representing the school at an agility event held at Guiseley school this week. They worked as a team and practised their throwing and catching skills and had a great time!

A HUGE thanks to Miss Western and Mrs Wall for taking and supporting the children. 

North West Schools KS2 Cross Country Event 2024

This week, a group of runners from Year 3 through to Year 6 took part in a cross country event at Otley Wharefemeadows park. The children all did brilliantly well.. running not only for themselves but as part of their year group team. Their support during the other races was fantastic to see and as always it was a GREAT event.

We are waiting for the results with anticipation as this is a pathway event and if successful, teams or individuals may race at the Leeds Final at Temple Newsam in February! 

A HUGE thanks to the parents who were able to support the team travelling to and form school on the coach and to the parents who came and supported the event.

If your child is interested in running, our Saturday league is kicking off this Saturday at Woodhouse Grove.  We need to register children before each event so please make sure you inform the office if your child will be coming along!

The dates and race locations are:  

  1. Saturday 19th October 2024– Woodhouse Grove, Apperley Bridge, BD10 0N 
  1. Saturday 9th November 2024 – Cardinal Heenan, Tongue Lane, LS6 4QE 
  1. Saturday 14th December 2024 – Prince Henry’s, Wharfe Meadows Park, Farnley Lane, Otley, LS21 2RW 
  1. Saturday 18th January 2025 – Middleton Park (Park opposite John Charles Centre for Sport), Middleton Grove, LS11 5DJ and walk up-hill to field on right 

At all events the first race will be at 10:00am but children will need to meet school staff at 9:45am please!

Hello Yellow October 10th 2024

Today across school we celebrated Hello Yellow Day to show young people they're not alone with their mental health. The children took part in mindfulness activities such as nature walks, doodling, art, mindfulness breathing, writing positive affirmations and being active. 

Right now, the world is a really tough place for children and young people to grow up in. We want young people to know that they don’t have to go through this alone. Things can get better.

Because we stand brighter, together. 

The children and staff really enjoyed the activities today and the school was a brighter place with all of the yellow accessories. Check out some of the pictures in the slide show below!

World Mental Health Day 2024 - PMAC

Come and Try Netball Event at St Mary's High School October 2024

This week, a group of netballers took part in a come and try event at St Mary's High School in Menston. They took part in some drills run by the high school sports leaders to help them develop their throwing and catching skills as well as improve their understanding of marking. 

The event was aimed at children new to netball and it was great to see the children's confidence grow throughout the session. 

After the drills, the children took part in several games where they showed how well they had listened and understood the skills they had been taught. 

Well done to all of the children who represented Guiseley Primary at the event. You were a credit to the school and behaved like true sportspeople! 


Art Week 2024 September 2024

Across school this week the children have been enjoying lots of art activities as part of our annual Art Week. This year our focus has been on diversity and local artists which are two of our curriculum drivers. 

In Reception and Year 3, the children have been learning about Alma Thomas, who is best known for the "exuberant", colourful, abstract paintings that she created after retiring from teaching. In Year 3, they really liked how she used nature for inspiration and all the bright colours of what they thought looked like 'bricks' to create her artwork.  Over the week they practised using paint and different sized paint brushes to create rectangular swipes of colour, thinking about the amount of pressure they were applying to create fainter or darker marks and mixed their own colours too.  They had a great time painting their final pieces of work and are really proud of what they created. 

In Year 1, the children have enjoyed creating pieces of artwork in the style of Yayoi Kusama , who is a Japanese artist and one of the top-selling female artists of all time. 

In Year 2, they have been looking at the work of Jo Dexter, a local artist, who has painted landscapes of the Cow and Calf and the Twelve Apostles on Ilkley Moor. They have created their own pieces in her style, practising blending and mixing colours.

Year 4 have been learning about Laura Wallace, a Yorkshire-born artist, who is inspired by the beauty of the Dales through the seasons, from bluebell woods to snow scenes. They have enjoyed creating their own floral pieces of artwork in her style. 

Year 5 have been focusing on two different artists, Sam Cox and Dan Fenelon to create some Maya inspired contemporary paintings. These artists use striking black and white doodles and bold colours in their work. 

Finally, Year 6 have been looking at World War 2 art, which links to their history work this half term. 

The children are really excited to be sharing their work during our Fantastic Finish event - we hope you all enjoy looking at how creative the children(and teachers) have been. 

If you are unable to come to the Fantastic Finish, we have some pictures below so you don't miss out!

Connect Challenge September 2024

In school this week we have been taking part in the Connect Challenge along with over 50 other schools across Leeds. The Connect Challenge focuses on the importance of friendship, connections and teamwork and we have been learning about the friendship between Rob Burrow and Kevin Sinfield.

As part of this challenge a group of Year 6 children have passed around a special rugby ball which came from Holy Name Primary and we passed on to St Oswald's as part of a North West school relay. 

Each class has also taken part in a challenge around the number 7 and there have been some creative ideas. The children had a lot of fun completing them as you can see below!

Fun Day July 2023

We celebrated in school today with a fantastic circus themed day fun day. The younger children took part in workshops and the older children were treated to a circus performance and were able to practise circus tricks during lunchtime. The children also had the opportunity to take part in activities throughout the day such as stilt walking, beam balancing, face painting and treasure hunts. 

Thank you to Vegetable Stu from KeyStage Circus for such a fun-filled day and for all the staff who organised activities for the children to enjoy. 

What a fantastic day!!

Mrs Beaumont, who is retiring at the end of this year, even joined in one of the circus tricks. Very brave!

Well done Mrs Beaumont.  

KeyStage circus:

Congratulations to GREEN class July 2024

Well done to Green class, who were presented a cheque for £500 this week by Fusion for growing the tallest sunflower. Many schools took part across Leeds so this is a super achievement! Green class sound like they have green fingers and are budding gardeners - well done!!


Lotherton Wildlife World Naming Competition July 2024

We are so proud to announce that Jade class have won the competition run by Lotherton Wildlife World to name the baby capybara.  Lotherton have reported that 'Doba' is loving life at the zoo, splashing around in the water and nibbling on fresh veggies!

Watch the video by searching for Lotherton Hall Doba naming and you should find it at the top of the search page!

Year 5 Visit Day to Guiseley School - written by children in Jade class July 2024

The visit day at Guiseley High School was really fun and all the high school teachers were incredibly kind to us. The theme of the day was 'Space' so all of the different sessions included activities along this theme.

Some of us took part in a science lesson where they filtered some red dust liquid (which represented Martian ice). We then added some universal solution which showed the acidity of the liquid. Drop by drop we then added an alkali to neutralise the liquid. We loved using the secondary school science lab equipment. 

Another activity was DT where we had to have a piece of paper to make a bookmark. We used special wax crayons to decorate and then it was put into a heat machine which caused the paper to turn into a fabric-like material. 

In the art sessions, we drew pictures of the launch, journey and landing on a planet of our choice. There were plenty of original ideas and we even had time to add a story to their pictures. 

For the drama, we got assigned a scene to do with a journey to Mars, for example the landing. There were lots of budding astronauts, aliens and planets under siege!!! It was great fun!

It was a fantastic day and we also got the opportunity to work with children from other schools.