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Oxford Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS20 9DA


Headteacher - Mrs Fiona Wharton

Guiseley Primary School

Kindness Week 

During Kindness Week, children designed and created jigsaw pieces with personal messages and words to show that everyone has a part to play in being kind. The jigsaws were then put together by Mrs Strahand and are being displayed around school. They look GREAT! Well done everyone!

Art Week 2020

Art Week has been a little different this year. We were not able to display our work to the rest of the school and visit each class' exhibitions like we usually do. However, we thought a virtual Art Exhibition would be the next best thing!
Please visit each year groups blogs to have a look at what they have been getting up to.
Key Stage 1 have been very busy. FS2 chose to focus on David Hockney. They linked his work of trees in the changing seasons and explored autumn colours and leaves. Year 1 chose Guiseppe Arcimboldo and had lots of fun recreating his artwork using vegetables. Year 2 chose a current artist called Monica J. Beasley. She specialises in mixed media collages. The children had lots of fun experimenting with pattern and textures to create their own collage.
Key Stage 2 have been just as busy learning about their artists for Art Week. Year 3 chose Andy Warhol to focus on. They took inspiration from Warhol's repeating patterns to create a repeating fruit basket. Year 4 linked their artist to their Ancient Greek topic and chose Alekos Fassianos. They took inspiration from his Greek God theme to help them design and decorate their vases. Year 5 chose Wassily Kandinksy, they had lots of fun experimenting with dots and colour. And last but not least, Year 6 linked their artist choice with their topic. They took inspiration from Van Gogh and produced some lovely poppy drawings. They also gave a nod to Henry Moore with their charcoal spitfires. 
Please do visit the year group blogs to look at more of the wonderful artwork produced by our very talented artists at Guiseley Primary School!

Key Stage 2 really enjoyed an interactive and entertaining visit from the authors Jon and Pamela Voelkel. Their book series, The Jaguar Stones, has entertained many of the children in school after reading them as part of their studies into the Ancient Mayan civilization.

Jon and Pamela were fantastic ambassadors for history, archaeology and rock music!

If your child wishes to purchase books following the visit, they can be purchased via their website -

This week, children in Rainbow Class have focused on the importance of carefully washing every part of their hands.

We heard some brilliant vocabulary as the children played "Wash the top and the bottom of your hands and your thumbs" and "You can't see when germs are there but you still need to wash your hands"

We all had an awesome time celebrating World Book Day this week.
This years theme was bedtime stories, meaning the majority of children and staff came to school dressed in their pyjamas! However, some of our staff came dressed as penguins in homage to the main character in the book "How big is a million": an inquisitive penguin named Pipkin.
All classes took time to read this excellent book and enjoyed taking part in some related maths activities.Well done everyone!

MUGA completion

Stage 1 of the MUGA project has been completed this week. It was fantastic to see classes having PE lessons on the new pitch and feedback from the children has been overwhelmingly positive!! We will be having an official opening later in the year....

Take a look at the pictures below which show the ground before, during and after the pitch was installed...

Year One had a brilliant time visiting Tropical World today. All the children really enjoyed seeing the animals up close! They showed excellent behaviour and took part in a workshop all about grouping and classifying animals. A big thank you to all the staff and volunteers who helped.

On Thursday, Year Five took at trip to Ripon Museum as part of their topic on Crime and Punishment. They had a fantastic time visiting the Old Prison, the Workhouse and the Courthouse - all of which are original buildings preserved by the museum. The children even had the opportunity to dress up (and act) as characters in a courtroom drama based on a real crime that took place in Ripon over one hundred years ago. 

We welcomed our school Governors Richard and Jo, Cllr Pat Latty and Stewart Andrew MP to officially open our new Computing Suite this week.

The children were excited to show off the projects they have been working on.

We now have a purpose built space for up to 30 children to use computers in a range of lessons from Computing to Maths and English.

Thankyou be everyone who helped organise and attended our Spring Fair on Saturday. We raised a fantastic £2200 towards our MUGA. Well done to Year 5 who raised the most money for their very cute pom pom bunnies.

Our school orchestra have a new name..... SOUND CIRCUS! This week they performed a number of songs  for us and really impressed us all.

Our Foundation Stage and Keystage One children were treated to a performance of The Gruffalo this morning for World Book Day.  Thankyou for your book swap donations. The children all enjoyed selecting a new book to keep.  The day was filled with lots of fun activities , reading and storytelling.

This term our school cooks Mrs Longbottom and Mrs  Miliopoulos are running a cookery club for Year 5 children. This week they were cooking pancakes and smoothies. Delicious!

Meet our SUPER reception teachers!!!

Last week the children put on some wonderful Christmas productions for us all to enjoy. Gold and Rainbow Class did their Christmas sing -a- long, FS2 performed Busy,busy Bethlehem with help from Libby and Freya. Year 1 performed Angel Express and the children from Year 2 and 3 performed a wonderful carol concert.

Thank you to everyone who attended our Christmas fair at the weekend. We took over £3000 towards our MUGA.

After weeks of auditions, we had our very exciting live final of Guiseley's Got Talent on Friday. The children performed to children in FS1, FS2 and KS1 in the morning and then again in the afternoon to a panel of judges, KS2 and parents. All of the acts were absolutely fantastic! 

This years runners up were:  Sydney - dance

                                                                Reuben, Ben and Tristan-live music

The winners were Rosemary and Alanna - dance

Thankyou for your kind donations, we  raised £295 for Children  in Need.

On Saturday 11th November, 27 children from Year 2 upwards, took part in the Match day Event at Nethermoor. It was a fantastic day out despite the rain and the children were able to meet the players, see inside the dressing rooms, take part in football activities and form the Guard of Honour for the players. The match was an epic one for Guiseley, who took on Cambridge United in the first round of the FA cup. It was an exciting game ending with the Lions victorious over Cambridge winning 4-3 in the end - the final whistle could not come soon enough!! Well done to everyone involved - Steve Taylor, the community development officer at Nethermoor, Mrs Parker for supporting the team and of course the parents for getting involved too!

For pictures of the event, please visit the Sports Blog.

We travelled the world this afternoon to look at all of the hard work completed this week for our International Arts week.

The whole school came together today to celebrate Harvest. We enjoyed songs, poems, storytelling, artwork and even a harvest rap! Thank you so much for your kind donations of food. They were very gratefully received by Safe Haven. Thank you to Morrisons for baking our enormous harvest loaf, there was enough for every child in school to have a piece!

Make sure you go and see our work on display at the Aireborough Learning Partnership Trust art exhibition at Guiseley Methodist church  this week. The exhibition is open to all the local community on Tuesday 19th June 9.15am to 7.30pm and Wednesday 20th June 9.15am to 4.30pm. This year's theme is recycled art. A few lucky children got chosen to visit the exhibition and work on a communal mural.

Our school choir did us proud again at this year's 'Let's Celebrate' event.

It was a beautiful sunny day on Friday for our royal wedding picnic. 

We have been treated to some wonderful entertaining class assemblies this half term!

We had so many egg-cellent entries in our decorate an egg competition this year. Mrs Bell had the hard job of picking winners. Well done to all the children who entered and thankyou to Morrisons for donating the prizes. Happy Easter!

We were treated to a sneak preview of our school choir's performance for the Let's Celebrate event after the holidays. They were amazing!

This week it was Green Class assembly. Their topic this term has been Carnival of the Animals and they enjoyed sharing all they have learnt about classical music and different kinds of animals  with us. They also retold their Talk for Writing text, Monkey See, Monkey Do. Well done Green Class!

The children enjoyed a performance from our Year 5 woodwind groups this week. 

The children looked fantastic in their World Book Day costumes this week and enjoyed lots of fun activities throughout the day. Our Keystage Two children had a parade around school to show off their costumes. They also came to the EYFS and Keystage One classes to share stories with the younger children. EYFS and Year 1 children thoroughly enjoyed a wonderful FS2 staff production of Room on the Broom!

NEWSFLASH!!!! On Friday we presented our first ever gold certificate for  Mathletics. Well done Joe!

Our superheroes in Orange Class beat the snow to perform their first class assembly. 

Fun in the snow!

Yellow Class performed a fantastic assembly on Friday. They told us  all about the history of teddy bears and  retold the story 'Lost in the Toy Museum' as well as reading some of their own stories and showing their wonderful character puppets. Well done Yellow Class!

Our Year 1 classrooms were transformed into toy museums this afternoon. The children really enjoyed showing off all of their hard work from this term to siblings, parents and grandparents.

Congratulations to all of the children selected to eat at the Captain's table this half term. We are very proud of you! Our food ambassadors nominated children who have demonstrated lovely manners, tried new foods and eaten all their veg!

Violet Class performed a very entertaining assembly this week all about the 'Surprising Stone Age'. 

A group of  KS2 pupils did a fantastic job of representing Guiseley Primary School at a Pupil Voice event this week.

Our Year 2 recorder players treated us to a fabulous performance in assembly this week. We were very impressed with how much you have learnt in just two terms. 

Our Reception children treated us to a fabulous class assembly all about people who help us. Well done Red Class!

Our new library is now open! The children have a timetabled library session every other week where they can select one of our lovely new books! We would also like to welcome Mrs Ruth Andrews, our new school librarian . Thank you to everyone who help fundraise and to Mrs Knight and Mrs Andrews for all their hard work. 

The Christmas productions have been wonderful this week. Our FS2 and Year one children have visited Bethlehem no less than six times! Year two children have been helping Santa in his workshop and the Key Stage 2 children are preparing to perform 'A Christmas Carol'. We are definitely getting in the mood for Christmas at Guiseley Primary! Please look in the photo gallery and your classes blog for more photos.

Earlier in the term some of our Year four children went on a trip to Leeds Museum.  They walked past a homeless man on their way to the museum and wanted to do something to help. They had the idea of filling shoe boxes with items that could be donated to St George's Crypt. They were overwhelmed by the generous response from parents. Thank you to everyone who donated, the items have been boxed up and have been collected by volunteers from St George's Crypt. 

The Children really enjoyed watching the Jack and the beanstalk panto today.

Today we were treated to a woodwind assembly.  Children from Key Stage 2 entertained us with Christmas carols on saxophone, clarinet and flute. Well done to all!

Parents and children enjoyed our school Christmas fair this weekend. Thank you to all those of our wonderful parents group  who helped to organise this event and  to everyone who helped out on the day. The winners of the Guiseley Bake Off will be on our newsletter next week.

Guiseley Primary School Choir were the opening act on stage at Guiseley Lights switch on event. Well done to you all, you were fantastic!

Children at Guiseley Primary School were treated to a feast of fun this Children in Need day as pupils and staff staged the first ever ‘Guiseley’s Got Talent’ competition. Pupils sang, danced, acted and cartwheeled in order to raise as much money for Children In Need as possible. Acts performed in front of the whole school and parents,  before receiving comments from a fearsome judging panel made up of teaching staff. Thankfully, the show went off without a single buzzer being sounded and plenty of money was raised through ticket sales and voluntary donations on the day.  Sophie, a pupil who acted as part of a comedy sketch, said, “I was nervous at first but hearing everybody clap at the end made it all worth it!”
Congratulations to all the finalists, you were all amazing. The judges had such a difficult job deciding who would get the trophy! The runners up were our own Guiseley Primary band ‘Rose and the Thorns’ and the winner of Guiseley’s Got Talent 2017 was Mini Adele (Matilda). 

Guiseley's Got Talent -  Winner 2017.

This year for Children in Need we are having a Guiseley's Got Talent show. Over the last few weeks children have been auditioning to take part in the live final on Friday 19th November. We have seen dancers, singers, magicians, actors, storytellers, footballer and comedians. Well done to all of the children who have auditioned. Introducing  our finalists!

Children and parents travelled the world  on Friday afternoon to look at all of the children's hard work from International Arts Week!

The children were wonderful in our Harvest festival on Wednesday. We enjoyed songs, poems, story telling, a report about fairtrade and even a harvest rap! A big thank you to Morrisons for providing a harvest loaf and to parents for all your generous donations of food. These have been collected by Safe Haven  to be distributed locally to people in need.

Sporting update! More information can be found by selecting the following tabs:

  • Curriculum
  • PE, Sport and Physical Activity
  • Festivals and Competitions

This week, our Y4/5 football team went to Queensway Primary to take part in a tournament with other local primary schools. This was a Y5/6 event so our children did exceptionally well. Read Mr Ward's match report on the 'festivals and competitions' page!


On Tuesday, another group of committed runners from Years 3, 4 and 5 travelled to Hawksworth CE Primary School for an Aireborough cluster cross country competition.  The course was uneven, hilly and challenging (especially with strong winds). Everyone ran brilliantly and were a credit to the school - read more on the 'festivals and competitions' page!

Sporting update! More information can be found by selecting the following tabs:

  • Curriculum
  • PE, Sport and Physical Activity
  • Festivals and Competitions

On Monday, KS1 played in a football tournament held at Queensway Primary. They played brilliantly and were unbeaten in all their matches. See Mr Ward's match report for more details!

On Tuesday, some children in Years 4 and 5 competed at the North West School Sports cross country event held at Wharfemeadows Park in Otley. The commitment, enthusiasm and respect shown by the children was fantastic - they were all a credit to our wonderful school!

Last week, the children all enjoyed getting active during National Fitness Day. For more pictures and information about the day, please visit the PE and Sports page of the website under the curriculum tab!

On Tuesday 18th September, some Y5 children took part in a cricket festival at Yeadon Cricket Club. During the morning, the children worked on their throwing and catching skills in a carousel of activities and in the afternoon they played in three competitive matches. 
They won their match against Yeadon Westfield's B team by 84 runs and their game against Adel by 34 runs. Unfortunately they lost their final match against Yeadon Westfield A team by only 4 runs.

Katie (Y5) said: Today we had such fun but the mud made it fabulous! In the morning, we had a game where we had to dive onto a mattress. William and Katie both did a dramatic fall and got really muddy. 

A huge congratulations to the children involved, who performed brilliantly and worked excellently as a team. A special mention to William for being nominated as Player of the Match by Mrs Clarke.

Our Year 1 children and staff had a fabulous day at Harlow Carr.  They spent some time being woodland explorers and had lots of fun playing in the tree house and on the trim trails and slide.  

We all had a fantastic time at Tour de Guiseley today. We had races, cheering, a picnic outside and even a disco in the playground! What an exciting day! Thank you to Mrs Beaumont's sons for being pace setters for the day.

The children thoroughly enjoyed a performance by Backspace this week. They recently won the Aireborough battle of the acts. They are all former pupils at Guiseley Infants School. Alex and Harry started learning guitar in Year 1 with Ben Floyd, Harry started learning drums in Year 4 and Miles only started playing bass this year! The lead singer Rosie used to be in our school choir! They  are now in Year 7 (and Harry the drummer is in Year 9) They really enjoyed performing their songs for the children, their biggest and noisiest audience to date, and seeing their old teachers.

Our school choir put on an amazing performance at the Let's Celebrate event at Yeadon Town Hall tonight. We are all so proud of you!

Our CCTV cameras filmed some strange goings on in FS2 over the weekend!

On Tuesday the 20th and Wednesday the 21st June the schools of the Aireborough Learning Partnership Trust (ALPT)  showcased the artistic talents of their pupils at an art exhibition in the Methodist Church.

The theme was 'mindfulness' and numerous wonderful animal sculptures have been produced.   These were accompanied by paintings, pictures and 3D art  from each school all providing lots of variety and plenty to see.

Guiseley Primary School designed and painted five wonderful giraffes. If you didn't make it to the exhibition, they will also be on display at Children's Day in a few weeks time.

Over the two days a Henri Rousseau inspired jungle scene was produced by pupils who visited the exhibition. Some of our Year 2 children added some leaves to the collage.

Well done to all of the children for giving it their all at sports day today!

Our Year 1 children turned into Nature Detectives today up at a very blowy Parkinson's Park and in our school wildlife area. We hunted high and low for bugs and plants and used charts to identify them. Back at school we looked at different colours in nature and made some fantastic nature pictures.

Some of Year 3 children took part in a triathlon this week.

Guiseley Vikings invade Whitby Abbey

Year 4 have arrived in Whitby safely. We have built Viking longboats, learnt about effective weapons used in battle and have explored Whitby Abbey. This evening, we are designing and making our own Viking shields. Check out the year 4 blog for more photos. (Class information> year 4>blog)

Gardening Club started again this week. The children have been very busy planting seeds. I wonder what will grow?

Well done to everyone who entered our Easter Egg competition. They were all egg-cellent! Congratulations to our winners.

The children enjoyed a musical treat this week. Well done to all of our musicians!

Key Steps Gymnastics success!

A huge congratulations to Sydney Pemberton, Eleanor Torrence, Clara Page, Esmae Fahy and Ben Smith, who came third place (out of fifteen schools in Leeds) at the KS2 Foundation Key Steps Competition. They are an asset to our school and wore their bronze medals with immense pride!

WOW week!

Strange things have been happening at Guiseley Primary School this weekend. Our new CCTV cameras have recorded some very interesting footage! The children will be spending this week investigating as paleontologists. We have set up a dig site on the top field, please don't touch!

We hope many parents will be able to attend our open day on Friday to see all of the children's hard work.

The children and staff came to school dressed in their pyjamas today for Comic Relief. Thank you everyone for your kind donations. We will let you know how much we raised as soon as we have finished counting all the money.

Children enjoyed lots of fun experiments during British Science Week. Here are some photos of Green Class trying to catch a rainbow and Coral Class behaving like a solid, liquid and gas!

The children (and staff) looked fantastic on World Book Day!

Children in Year 2 enjoyed showing off their African animals. Well done everyone! They were fantastic! See more photos in the gallery.